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Sammie Hicks

Sammie's passion for music began at the age of 11 and soon blossomed into her first love. By the age of 17, Sammie was a fully qualified singing teacher which she is still doing now. She loves helping her students and seeing them improve but her dream is to perform on stage and inspire people into following their own dreams. She has a powerful and distinctive voice, which is easily recognised with a beautiful unusual vibrato.

From singing in small productions and local pubs to Her Royal Majesty's Theatre, Sammie will jump at any opportunity to perform and has a great range for singing different music genres suitable for a wide audience of mixed ages.

Sammie currently has 3 brand new tracks released and available to buy or stream, she is currently working hard with the Uniq Production team writing and producing some fantastic new music for release during 2020. Exciting!
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